Welcome to Aylabackyard Poultry, your premier source for all your backyard poultry needs. Whether you’re looking to buy laying hens online, purchase Rhode Island Red chickens, or order live day-old chicks, we offer a diverse selection of high-quality poultry breeds to suit your requirements.

Our Offerings:

  • Laying Hens: Explore our range of affordable laying hens for sale, including high-yield egg-laying chickens perfect for both beginners and seasoned farmers.

  • Rhode Island Red Chickens: Known for their exceptional egg production, our quality Rhode Island Red chickens are available for immediate purchase.

  • Day-Old Chicks: Start your flock with our premium baby chicks for sale, ensuring a healthy beginning for your poultry journey.

  • Domestic Ducks: We offer live domestic ducks and premium domestic ducklings for sale, ideal for meat, eggs, or as delightful backyard companions.

  • Turkeys: From heritage turkeys to turkey poults, find the best options for meat production or breeding purposes.

  • Guinea Fowl: Our quality guinea fowl for sale are excellent for pest control and add a unique touch to your backyard setup.


Narragansett Turkeys

Turkeys, like other poultry, require proper nutrition and care to grow healthily and reach their full potential. Here’s a detailed look at how turkeys feed and grow:

Feeding Turkeys

  1. Starter Feed (0–6 weeks)
    • Protein Needs: Baby turkeys (called poults) require a high-protein starter feed containing 28–30% protein to support their rapid growth.
    • Vitamins and Minerals: Include balanced levels of vitamins (A, D, and E), minerals (calcium, phosphorus), and essential nutrients.
    • Feed Form: Crumbles or finely ground feed makes it easier for poults to eat.
  2. Grower Feed (7–16 weeks)
    • Protein Needs: Switch to grower feed with 20–24% protein to sustain growth while avoiding overfeeding.
    • Gradual Adjustment: Gradually reduce protein levels as the birds grow to prevent leg problems caused by excessive growth.

To successfully grow a fowl, follow these simple steps:

  1. Provide Proper Nutrition: Start with high-protein starter feed (20–30%) for chicks, transitioning to grower and finisher feed as they mature. Fresh water is essential at all times.
  2. Ensure Clean Housing: Keep their coop clean, dry, and well-ventilated with enough space for roosting and movement.

  3. Offer Protection: Secure their living area from predators and extreme weather.

  4. Promote Health: Vaccinate as needed, check for diseases, and maintain hygiene to prevent illness.

  5. Allow Natural Behaviors: Give access to a run or free-range area for foraging and exercise.

With consistent care, your fowl will thrive and grow into healthy adults!

Why Choose Us?

  • Quality Assurance: All our birds are raised in optimal conditions, ensuring you receive healthy and robust poultry.

  • Affordable Pricing: We provide discount laying hens for sale and other competitive offers to make poultry keeping accessible to all.

  • Expert Support: Our team offers guidance on poultry farming supplies, including organic poultry feed, poultry farming equipment, and comprehensive care tips to help your flock thrive.

Get Started Today!

Embark on your backyard farming journey with Aylabackyard Poultry. Browse our selection to buy backyard poultry online, order free-range poultry, or purchase heritage poultry breeds. We are committed to supporting you every step of the way, ensuring a rewarding and successful poultry-keeping experience.

Visit our website to explore our full range of products and services, and take the first step towards building your dream flock today!

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