Easter Egge


The Easter Egger is a friendly and colorful chicken breed known for laying blue, green, and occasionally pink or brown eggs. They have a calm, sociable temperament, making them ideal for families and backyard flocks. Easter Eggers come in a variety of feather colors and patterns, adding charm and diversity to any flock. While not a purebred, their unique egg colors and easygoing nature make them a popular choice among chicken keepers.

The Easter Egger is a charming and unique breed of chicken, known for its ability to lay colorful eggs and its friendly, sociable nature. Not a breed in the traditional sense, Easter Eggers are a mixed variety of chicken that carry the genetic trait of laying blue or green eggs, a characteristic inherited from their Ameraucana or Araucana ancestry. These birds have become increasingly popular among backyard chicken keepers and poultry enthusiasts, particularly for their vibrant eggs and easygoing temperament.

Origins and History

The Easter Egger is not a purebred chicken but rather a term used for chickens that carry the gene for blue egg production, typically the result of crossing Ameraucana chickens (known for their blue egg laying) with other breeds. These crosses were initially created in the United States, though the exact origins of the term “Easter Egger” are somewhat unclear.

The breed got its name due to its ability to lay eggs in a variety of colors, which often resemble the hues of Easter eggs, such as blue, green, and even pink or brown. Easter Eggers are genetically diverse, meaning they can have a wide range of appearances and temperaments, depending on the parent breeds involved in their ancestry.

While not recognized as a formal breed by major poultry associations like the American Poultry Association (APA), Easter Eggers are highly valued by backyard chicken keepers who enjoy their beauty, friendly personalities, and unique eggs.

Appearance and Characteristics

One of the most appealing features of the Easter Egger is its wide variety of appearances. Since they are a mixed breed, their physical traits can vary greatly from one bird to another, but they generally have a medium-sized frame with a well-rounded body. They tend to have clean legs, though some may have a feathered leg trait if they inherit it from a parent breed like the Cochin.

Easter Eggers often have pea combs (a small, compact comb), and their ear lobes can be red or white, depending on their genetic makeup. They are commonly seen with colorful plumage that can range from soft, pastel tones to more vibrant shades of red, black, blue, and brown. Their feathers can be solid, patterned, or spotted, adding to the unique beauty of each individual bird. Their most notable trait, however, is their egg color.

These chickens are known for laying blue or green eggs, but they can also produce a variety of hues depending on their genetic background, including pink, tan, or brown eggs. The color of the eggs is due to the presence of a pigment called ooporphyrin, which gives blue and green eggs their distinctive hues. The colors can range from a soft pastel to a deep, vibrant shade, which adds charm and variety to any backyard flock.

Temperament and Behavior

Easter Eggers are beloved for their friendly, sociable, and curious nature. These chickens are typically easygoing and enjoy interacting with their human caretakers, making them an excellent choice for families, especially those with children. Their calm and laid-back disposition allows them to get along well with other chickens, making them ideal for mixed-flock environments.

These birds are not particularly dominant or aggressive, which helps prevent conflicts in the coop. They tend to be gentle and are generally not flighty, though, like many chickens, they enjoy scratching around and foraging in the yard. Easter Eggers can be quite curious, often following their owners around or exploring new areas of their surroundings.

Though they are friendly, Easter Eggers do tend to have a slightly independent streak, and some may be a bit more reserved than other breeds. However, they are still quite affectionate and will happily interact with their owners when approached. Their sociable nature makes them a great addition to any backyard flock, as they are typically good with other chickens and do not display overly aggressive behaviors.

Egg Production and Quality

Perhaps the most famous trait of the Easter Egger is its ability to produce colored eggs. Easter Eggers typically lay blue, green, or sometimes even pink or brown eggs, which is one of the main reasons why they have become so popular in backyard flocks. The exact color of the eggs can vary from bird to bird, depending on their genetic makeup, but all Easter Eggers will lay eggs that are different from the standard white or brown eggs produced by many other chicken breeds.

The size of their eggs is generally medium to large, and the shells are typically strong and smooth. Easter Eggers are generally good layers, producing anywhere from 200 to 280 eggs per year, depending on their environment and diet. Their laying patterns are usually more consistent in the spring and summer months, but they can continue to lay throughout the fall and winter, though egg production may slow down during the colder months.

In terms of egg quality, the flavor of Easter Egger eggs is often described as rich and delicious, with yolks that are vibrant and golden. Their eggs are particularly prized for their distinctive color, making them a fun and visually appealing addition to any kitchen. The variety of colors they produce is also a great selling point for those who sell eggs at farmers’ markets or to neighbors.

Care and Maintenance

Easter Eggers are a hardy breed that can adapt well to different climates, though like all chickens, they need adequate shelter and protection from extreme weather conditions. They are generally low-maintenance and are easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for beginners or those who are new to raising chickens.

These chickens are typically free-range birds that enjoy exploring their surroundings and foraging for food. If kept in a secure coop, they can be allowed to roam the yard to help keep pests under control. Easter Eggers are not typically known to be flighty or prone to flying over fences, but it is still important to ensure they have a safe and protected environment. A solid, well-ventilated coop with plenty of space for each bird is essential for their health and happiness.

Because of their relatively gentle nature, Easter Eggers do well in mixed-flock environments with other breeds. They may not always be the most dominant chickens in the flock, but they can hold their own and are usually peaceful with other birds. As with any chicken breed, it is important to provide fresh water, a balanced diet of high-quality chicken feed, and access to grit for proper digestion.


The Easter Egger is an excellent choice for chicken keepers looking for a friendly, colorful, and low-maintenance bird that produces beautiful and vibrant eggs. These chickens are not only valued for their stunning egg colors but also for their gentle temperament and sociable nature. Whether kept for personal egg consumption, as ornamental birds, or for their companionship, Easter Eggers make a delightful addition to any flock.

Their ability to lay blue, green, or even pink eggs makes them a unique and prized breed among backyard chicken keepers, while their friendly personality ensures they are a joy to interact with. With their wide variety of colors, fun egg-laying abilities, and easygoing demeanor, Easter Eggers are an excellent choice for those looking to add both beauty and function to their backyard flock.


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