Narragansett Turkeys


Narragansett Turkeys are a heritage breed known for their striking black, gray, tan, and white plumage. Medium to large in size, they are calm, adaptable, and excellent foragers. Valued for their flavorful meat and historical significance, they are ideal for small-scale farming, sustainable agriculture, and preservation efforts.

Narragansett Turkeys are a historic heritage breed known for their striking plumage, calm temperament, and excellent utility as dual-purpose birds for both meat production and ornamental purposes. They are named after Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, reflecting their origins in early colonial America. These turkeys are prized for their adaptability, foraging abilities, and flavorful meat, making them a favorite among small-scale farmers and poultry enthusiasts.

History and Origin

The Narragansett Turkey is one of the oldest domestic turkey breeds in the United States, developed from crosses between wild turkeys native to the eastern United States and domestic turkeys brought by European settlers. The breed was widely popular in the 18th and 19th centuries due to its hardiness, productivity, and adaptability to various climates and farming conditions.

By the mid-20th century, the breed’s numbers declined as industrial farming practices favored faster-growing commercial breeds like the Broad Breasted White. However, conservation efforts have helped preserve the Narragansett as a heritage breed, valued for its historical significance and traditional farming qualities.

Physical Characteristics

  • Size: Narragansett Turkeys are medium to large birds. Toms (males) typically weigh 23–28 pounds (10.5–12.7 kg), while hens (females) weigh 14–18 pounds (6.4–8.2 kg).
  • Plumage: The breed is easily recognized by its striking plumage, featuring a mix of black, gray, tan, and white feathers. The pattern resembles that of wild turkeys but is more refined and vibrant.
  • Head and Neck: Like other turkeys, they have bare heads and necks that change color depending on mood, ranging from red to blue to white.
  • Tail: Their fan-shaped tail feathers are beautifully marked with alternating black and gray bands, often with subtle bronze highlights.
  • Legs and Feet: They have strong, slate-colored legs and feet.

Temperament and Behavior

  • Docile and Friendly: Narragansetts are calm and approachable, making them easy to handle and well-suited for family farms.
  • Excellent Foragers: They are active and efficient foragers, thriving in free-range environments where they can graze on grass, seeds, and insects.
  • Adaptable: This breed is known for its adaptability to various climates and farming systems, performing well in both confined and pasture-based settings.
  • Vigilant: While friendly, they are also alert and protective, often serving as natural alarms for predators or intruders.

Habitat and Care

Narragansett Turkeys are hardy and low-maintenance when provided with proper care and a suitable environment:

  • Shelter: They require a secure, dry shelter to protect them from predators and extreme weather.
  • Diet: Their diet should include a mix of grains, seeds, greens, and poultry feed. They benefit from access to fresh pasture for foraging.
  • Water Access: Ensure constant access to clean, fresh water.
  • Space: Provide ample space for grazing and roaming, as they are active birds that enjoy exploring their surroundings.


The Narragansett is a dual-purpose breed, valued for its meat and eggs, as well as its aesthetic appeal:

  • Meat: Narragansett turkeys produce high-quality, flavorful meat with a fine texture, making them a popular choice for small-scale meat production.
  • Eggs: Hens lay 50–100 large eggs annually, which are cream-colored and speckled. While not prolific layers, their eggs are an added bonus for farmers.
  • Foraging: Their ability to forage reduces feed costs and makes them an eco-friendly option for sustainable farming.

Breeding and Reproduction

Narragansett Turkeys are excellent breeders with strong maternal instincts:

  • Breeding Season: Mating typically begins in spring, with toms displaying elaborate courtship behaviors, including fanning their tails and gobbling.
  • Egg Incubation: The incubation period is approximately 28 days, with hens being attentive and protective mothers.
  • Poults: The poults (baby turkeys) are hardy and quick to grow when properly cared for, requiring warmth and protection during their early weeks.

Conservation and Popularity

The Narragansett Turkey is listed as a “watch” breed by The Livestock Conservancy due to its limited population. Efforts to preserve the breed focus on promoting its utility, historical significance, and adaptability. They are popular among heritage breed enthusiasts, small-scale farmers, and those seeking sustainable farming options.


The Narragansett Turkey is a versatile and visually stunning heritage breed that combines beauty, utility, and history. Known for their calm temperament, foraging ability, and flavorful meat, they are an excellent choice for small farms, hobbyists, and conservation efforts. Whether raised for their practical benefits or as a nod to agricultural heritage, Narragansett Turkeys are a rewarding and sustainable addition to any flock.

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